The Baseball Gods Got It Wrong This Year

The Baseball Gods Got It Wrong This Year

Where is the justice in giving the dour, petulant Yankees another playoff run? Thankfully, and predictably, the Red Sox kicked them swiftly to the curb. And while the Red Sox are more energetic and entertaining than the Yankees–who isn’t, honestly–there’s a team out there that overflows with youthful exuberance, talent, and something that the world could use more of: joy.

The Menopause Manifesto: Essential Reading for Women of All Ages

The Menopause Manifesto: Essential Reading for Women of All Ages

I am far from alone in my lack of knowledge about menopause, which is why Dr. Gunter wrote this book. Her message is clear: women have not been given adequate information about the changes wrought by “the change.” By providing vital facts about how menopause affects the body, she is helping women advocate for their own health and take steps to improve it, no matter which stage of life they are in.

In Defence of Baking Newbies

In Defence of Baking Newbies

Some people are so very extra in their presentations on social media that I can see how they would annoy others, prickly from what already seems like an eternity of self-isolation and social distancing. But as someone who has been baking bread for years–French, rye, bagels, ciabatta, and, yes, sourdough–I say cut the newbies some slack. There are all kinds of reasons a person might try baking bread, or anything else, when forced into isolation and discouraged from making regular trips to the grocery store.

Stop the Judgment, Not the Worksheets

Stop the Judgment, Not the Worksheets

This is not summer vacation, which we are all mentally prepared for. This is a sudden interruption of the school year, with no end in sight. This is kids being home all day, every day, unable to be dropped off at a friend’s for a playdate or at the local cinema for a movie. There is no sandlot baseball or pickup basketball. There are just four walls enclosing all of us, all day and all night. And some of our kids would be bouncing off of those walls if it weren’t for the blessing of worksheets, either hard copy or online.

Stay-at-Home Parents: A Resume That Shows Your Worth

Stay-at-Home Parents: A Resume That Shows Your Worth

I wanted to present a stay-at-home parent’s skills in the same way any job applicant would, with titles and a list of responsibilities. I tried to have a little fun with this, but I am totally serious about changing people’s perspectives on the work stay-at-home parents do. We are, in the parlance of today’s job ads, rock stars, and it’s high time we were seen that way.

Beyond Meat: The Future of Protein?

Beyond Meat: The Future of Protein?

If you are eating a burger made of vegetables and beans, shouldn’t it taste like vegetables and beans? Beef burgers may be the default in some cultures, but why do veggie burgers have to meet their standard for taste and texture? No one demands that a chicken burger taste like beef or a portobello mushroom burger resemble ground chuck, so why the urgency to transform a veggie burger into “meat”?